宋代筆記 vol.82 日本傳世油滴天目小集 - Heirloom Yuteki (Oil Spot) Tenomku Tea Bowl in Japanese Collection.
The Society for the Ancient Chinese Art is a non-profit platform for Chinese art based in Hong Kong since 2018, we share articles on trends and market analysis from independent research.
Instagram:saca_china / 公眾號:SACA學會、寶榜、茶司 / Founder:allen wang / Email:aw&artsaca.com
SACA學會:「1935年伦敦艺展 —— 历史上伟大的中国国际艺术展览 - Important Chinese Exhibitions.」
寶榜 :「蓮心千古:松心閣南北朝特別展覽(二) - North & Southern Dynasties by Lam's Gallery.」
唐代筆記 Vol.9 撿漏魯山窯注器:肯禮夫勳爵(Lord Cunliffe)、福克(Falk)的魯山花瓷 - A Small Phosphatic-Splashed Brown-Glazed Stoneware Ewer from the Falk and Lord Cunliffe Collection, Christie’s 2001 and Sotheby’s 2021.
茶人筆記 vol.4 伊達政宗 x 秋葉灰被天目茶碗 : 師從利休、織部、遠州,仙台藩62萬石大名的茶之湯 - Date Masamune, Tea as a way of War and Peace.
宋代筆記 vol.75 三井家的中興名物南宋吉州窯鸞天目(玳玻盞天目、尾長鳥天目)、重要文化財:大正名器鑑收錄之傳世宋瓷 - rantenmoku (らんてんもくちゃわん) , Mitsui Bunko Collection.
宋代筆記 vol.74 德川家康的宋代傳世灰被天目茶碗 - Song Notes, Tokugawa Ieyesu’s Haikatsugi Tenmoku Tea Bowl.
宋代筆記 vol.67 藍理捷63萬美金(460萬人民幣)南宋吉州窯黑釉木葉紋盞 - Song Notes, J.J.Lally’s 4.6m RMB Jizhou Leaf-Decorated Tea Bowl, Song Dynasty.
宋代筆記 vol.66 青山居76.5萬港元南宋吉州窰黑釉木葉天目茶盞(修復)- A Superb Jizhou Black-Glazed 'Leaf' Bowl Southern Song Dynasty, Surface Retouched and Repaired.
宋代筆記 vol.65 臨宇山人3.5萬美金(25.5萬人民幣)木業葉盞:一花開五葉,禪與宋代審美的融合 - the Linyushanren Leaf Conical Bowl, the embodiment of Zen and quintessential Song Aesthetic.
宋代筆記 Vol.63 千萬級別傳世建盞和肯禮夫勳爵的美意識 - Heirloom Jian from the Lord Cunliffe Collection, Important Member of the Oriental Ceramics Society, London.
茶入筆記 vol.12 紹鷗茄子,唐物茶入的巔峰:松本茄子 - 澪標茄子 - 紹鷗茄子 - Tea Caddy Notes, the Karamono Nasu of Takeno Jôô.
茶入筆記 vol.11 利休物相唐物茄子茶入,靜嘉堂文庫藏 - Tea Caddy Notes, Rikyu Nashu from the Seikado Bunko Collection.
茶入筆記 vol.8 利休鶴首茶入為什麼重要 - Why Tsurukubi is Important, the Treasures of Sen no Rikyu.
宋代筆記 Vol.60 磁州窯集珍:123万美金包场35件臨宇山人珍藏,年輕藏家青睞的審美和價值回歸 - Linyushanren 2018, US1.23m For 35 Cizhou Masterpieces, The Shifting Taste Of Young Collectors.
宋代筆記 vol.59 臨宇山人的六件宋瓷 - Six Song Ceramics from the Linyushanren Collection
茶入筆記 vol.7 国司茄子:藤田和野村的對抗,漢作唐物茶入為何價值連城 - Tea Caddy Notes, Karamono Gokushi Nasu.
茶入筆記 vol.6 新田肩衝:千利休盛讚第一,與楢柴肩衝、初花並稱「天下三肩衝」的漢作唐物茶入,信長·秀吉·家康 - Tea Caddy Notes, Nita Katatsuki, Nobunaga Hideyoshi & Ieyasu.
宋代筆記 vol.57 傳世珠光青磁茶碗与村田珠光《心之文》 - Song Notes, Heirloom Juko Chawan from the Idemitsu Museum, and Murata Juko's Famous work.
茶入筆記 vol.5 九十九髮茄子與織田信長的本能寺之變 - Tea Caddy Notes, Tsukumonasu, Nobunaga and the Fires of Honnoji.
茶入筆記 vol.4 遲櫻肩衝 — 東山御物、大名物、初花肩衝的姊妹篇 - Tea Caddy Notes, Osozakura Katatsuki: おそざくらかたつき 遅桜肩衝
茶入筆記 vol.3 天下三肩衝之初花肩衝,信長、秀吉、家康之遺愛 - Tea Caddy Notes, Hatsuhana, the Holy Grail of Katatsuki: はつはなかたつき 初花肩衝