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茶入筆記 vol.31 井伊直弼:唐物鶴首茶入 - Ii Naosuke, Karamono Tsurukubi Chaire



尺寸:高 8.0 厘米,口径 3.0 厘米





1. 這件器物是什麼?

答:這是一件「鶴首茶入」(日語稱作 tsurukubi chaire),因其頸部修長如鶴頸而得名。它是日本茶道中用於盛放抹茶(粉末茶)的小型陶瓷容器。

2. 這件鶴首茶入有哪些主要外觀特徵?

答:高度約 8.0 公分,口徑約 3.0 公分。





3. 這件茶入的時代與產地為何?


4. 這件茶入現藏於何處?最初的所有者是誰?

答:該茶入目前收藏於日本的彥根城博物館(Hikone Castle Museum),原本隸屬於日本名門井伊家(井伊家傳來資料)之傳世珍藏。

5. 從文獻中可推知這件茶入的使用與保存歷史嗎?


6. 茶入表面的裝飾或釉面有何特色?


7. 這件茶入附帶了哪些茶道相關配件?




8. 這些仕覆有何意義或功能?



鶴首茶入1口  高8.0 口径3.0cm  中国・宋時代  井伊家伝来資料

彥根城博物館 藏




Frequently Asked Questions:

What is the object?

The object described is a tsurukubi chaire, or a "crane-necked tea caddy." This particular tea caddy is a small ceramic container with a distinctive shape featuring a rounded body and a straight, upright neck. It was used in the Japanese tea ceremony to hold powdered tea.

What are the key physical characteristics of the chaire?

The chaire has a height of 8.0 cm and a mouth diameter of 3.0 cm. It features a rounded body with a straight, upright neck. The bottom quarter of the body retains its unglazed base (素地). There are carved lines (彫り筋) around the neck's top edge and where the glaze begins on the body. It's covered in a black-brown (黒褐色) glaze displaying a distinctive quail feather (鶉) like mottled pattern.

What is the age and origin of the chaire?

The chaire dates back to the Song Dynasty in China.

Where is this specific chaire currently located and who was its original owner?

This particular chaire is currently held at the Hikone Castle Museum. It has a historical connection to the Ii family (井伊家), suggesting it was passed down within their lineage. The text states it is part of the "Ii family transmitted materials" (井伊家伝来資料).

What does the text suggest about the chaire's history of use?

The presence of a later lacquer repair (後世の漆接ぎ) on the neck indicates the chaire was highly valued and carefully used over an extended period. This repair demonstrates its importance and the care taken to preserve it.

What decorative pattern is present on the chaire?

The chaire features a distinctive mottled pattern on its blackish-brown glaze that resembles the feather pattern of a quail (鶉). This characteristic is important for identification and visual appreciation.

What accompanying items come with the chaire?

The chaire is accompanied by two shifuku (仕覆), or tea caddy bags. One shifuku is made from white woven fabric (白地織文子), and the second shifuku is made from a deep green (萌葱地) brocade featuring the sasarinndo (笹竜胆) pattern. These bags provided protection and added to the presentation of the chaire. The "kinran" (金襴) descriptor suggests the fabric is a rich brocade with gold threads woven in.

What significance do the accompanying shifuku hold?

The two accompanying shifuku, or tea caddy bags, are important as they were specifically made for the tea caddy. The white woven bag provides a simple elegance and the more elaborate "kinran" (brocade) bag is for special or ceremonial occasions. The bags demonstrate how highly these objects were valued and the care that was given to their preservation. The patterns and materials of the bags can also hold symbolic meaning.


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