青銅筆記 vol.8 東周錯金銀銅立虎:大英博物館所藏 - A Inlaid Gold and Silver Tiger of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty, British Museum Collection.
The Society for the Ancient Chinese Art is a non-profit platform for Chinese art based in Hong Kong since 2018, we share articles on trends and market analysis from independent research.
Instagram:saca_china / 公眾號:SACA學會、寶榜、茶司 / Founder:allen wang / Email:aw&artsaca.com
SACA學會:「1935年伦敦艺展 —— 历史上伟大的中国国际艺术展览 - Important Chinese Exhibitions.」
寶榜 :「蓮心千古:松心閣南北朝特別展覽(二) - North & Southern Dynasties by Lam's Gallery.」
唐代筆記 Vol.8 藍釉三彩弦紋匲:大唐帝國的絢爛與克里夫蘭博物館珍寶 - Blue Glaze Tripod Lion, the Glory of Tang Dyansty and the Chinese Art from the Cleveland Museum of Art Collection.
宋代筆記 vol.67 藍理捷63萬美金(460萬人民幣)南宋吉州窯黑釉木葉紋盞 - Song Notes, J.J.Lally’s 4.6m RMB Jizhou Leaf-Decorated Tea Bowl, Song Dynasty.
宋代筆記 vol.66 青山居76.5萬港元南宋吉州窰黑釉木葉天目茶盞(修復)- A Superb Jizhou Black-Glazed 'Leaf' Bowl Southern Song Dynasty, Surface Retouched and Repaired.
宋代筆記 vol.65 臨宇山人3.5萬美金(25.5萬人民幣)木業葉盞:一花開五葉,禪與宋代審美的融合 - the Linyushanren Leaf Conical Bowl, the embodiment of Zen and quintessential Song Aesthetic.
青銅筆記 vol 6. 吉金藏禮:淺談中國古代禮祭文化與社會中的青銅器 - Ancient Chinese Bronzes in Ritual and Society: A Brief Introduction.
明代筆記 vol.5 克拉克舊藏1497萬港元明宣德青花魚藻紋葵花式洗 - An ex-Alfred Clark superbly painted and extremely rare blue and white 'fish pond' brush washer, Mark and period of Xuande.
宋代筆記 vol.50 克拉克舊藏1450萬港元北宋定窯撒斑花口洗 - An Exceptional Ding-Type Russet-Splashed Black-Glazed Foliate Dish Northern Song Dynasty
宋代筆記 vol.49 克拉克舊藏1.468億北宋定窰劃花八棱大盌 - A Magnificently Carved Lobed Dingyao Basin Northern Song Dynasty, Alfred Clark Collection.
拍賣筆記 vol.9 官釉八方瓶2041.5万港元,蘇富比仇焱之專場创佳绩 - An exceedingly rare guan-glazed octagonal bottle vase, Song dynasty or later.
宋代筆記 vol.44 小山富士夫《宋磁》中的磁州窯瓷器 - Koyama Fumio Song Ceramics, the Perception of Cizhou in early 20th Century Japan.
宋代筆記 vol.43 小山富士夫《宋磁》中的”汝窯“瓷器與日本早期耀州窯認知 - Koyama Fumio Song Ceramics, the Perception of Ru in early 20th Century Japan.
展覽筆記 vol.12 黑石號的金銀器 - the Gold and Silver of the Tang Shipwreck.
展覽筆記 vol.11 黑石號的越窯、邢窯及巩县窑 - the Yue, Xing and Gongxian kilns of the Tang Shipwreck.
拍卖笔记 vol.4:磁州窑审美崛起,佳士得哥窑盘180万美元成交 - Prevailing Taste of Cizhou.
展覽筆記 vol.9 黑石號的長沙窯,寶歷風物之黑石號出水珍品展 - the Changsha kilns of the Tang Shipwreck.
展覽筆記 vol.8 浦上蒼穹堂漢至北朝的藝術展 東京2024年3月 Tokyo Art Fair + Art Kuden.
宋代筆記 vol.42 傳世建盞 禾目天目茶碗(銀兔毫)細川家 永青文庫藏 - a Heirloom Nogime Tenmoku bowl from the Eisei Bunko Collection.
宋代筆記 vol.40 南宋龍泉窯鬲式爐 東京國立博物館展 常盤山文庫藏 - Longquan Censer, Tokyo National Museum.
宋代筆記 vol.39 黒釉兎亳斑鉢(禾目鉢)建窯 五島美術館珍藏 - the Heirloom Jian of Gotoh Museum.