【中国・南宋時代 12-13世紀】

「うすむらさき色の しらけたるほし うちそとに ひたとあり」(意指「淡紫色中帶白的星點,密布於碗內外」)的那種情景。

德川美術館 將軍大名的茶之湯陳設
答:「天目」茶碗是一種陶瓷茶碗,最早在中國燒製,以深色釉面聞名。「油滴」天目則以表面眾多銀色、形似油滴的斑紋為特色,這些斑紋是釉在燒成時流動並堆積所形成。它們往往同時出現在碗的內部與外部,當釉流動較明顯時,還會呈現「兔毫(hare’s fur)」或「禾目(nogime)」般的細長條紋。
問:「星建盞」(Hoshi Kenshan)這個稱呼在本件茶碗中有何意義?
答: 這件收藏於德川美術館的茶碗,在尾張德川家傳統上被稱作「星建盞」(Hoshi Kenshan)。「星」的名稱可能是因為碗面上的油滴斑紋讓人聯想到星辰,但究竟是因何種斑紋大小或顏色得到此名,尚無定論。然而,這些斑紋確實給人猶如群星閃爍的印象。
答: 此碗於南宋時期(12~13世紀)在中國的建窯燒製。建窯以燒製天目茶碗而著稱,所出產的器物品質與風格皆極具代表性。
問:何謂「禾目(nogime)」或「兔毫(hare’s fur)」,它在本碗中有何作用?
答: 「禾目」(日語 nogime)或「兔毫」(hare’s fur)是指當釉在燒成時流動後所產生的細長條紋。這些條紋常見於天目茶碗,包括帶有「油滴」效果的作品。由於燒成過程中釉的移動,碗面更具層次感與質感,其細長條紋有如兔毛或麥穗般的外觀。
問:什麼是《君台觀左右帳記》(Kundaikan Sōchōki),它與「星建盞」有何關係?
答: 《君台觀左右帳記》是室町時代(14~16世紀)關於室內陳設與規制的著作,當中提到各種器物的使用與品評,包括天目茶碗。書中對「油滴」天目的描述為「うすむらさき色の しらけたるほし うちそとに ひたとあり」,即「淡紫色中帶白的星點,密布於碗內外」,與此件「星建盞」外觀極為相近,可能也是其命名的由來線索之一。
答: 《君台觀左右帳記》所言「淡紫色中帶白的星點」分佈於碗的內外,與這件「星建盞」在深色釉上出現的銀色油滴斑頗為吻合。在不同光線下,深色釉面或可顯露淡紫光澤,而那些油滴斑點覆蓋碗內外,也恰與原文「內外皆布滿星斑」的描述相呼應。
答: 油滴天目的獨特外觀源於複雜的燒成工藝以及特殊的釉料配方。含鐵成分豐富的釉在高溫燒製時,釉面熔融並流動。隨著燒成過程中的化學反應與相分離現象,釉面會形成油滴狀的斑紋,並可能產生銀色光澤。由於這些都是古代累積下來的傳統技術,其細節與配方至今仍非完全可考或複原。
答: 這件「星建盞」作為南宋時期珍貴且保存良好的油滴天目茶碗,其本身即極具文物與藝術價值。它在尾張德川家族傳承歷史中扮演了重要角色,並與《君台觀左右帳記》中的記載相互印證,顯示出該器物從古至今在茶道、鑑賞與收藏領域皆備受重視。同時,「星」之稱呼也呼應了古今對此類器物獨到美感的評價與品味。
一般に「油滴」と称される、中国・建窯(けんよう)産の天目である。碗の内外共に無数の油滴斑が浮かび、流下して禾目(のぎめ)状になった部分も多く、斑・禾目共に銀色に発色している。本品は、尾張徳川家では古くより「星建盞」と呼ばれていた。どのような大きさや色の班文をもって「星」と呼んだのか、厳密なところは未詳だが、室町時代の座敷飾りの規式書『君台観左右帳記(くんだいかんそうちょうき)』の「油滴」にある「うすむらさき色の しらけたるほし うちそとに ひたとあり」という記述を思わせる茶碗である。

Oil-Spot Tenmoku (“Star” Jian Bowl)
Yuteki Tenmoku (Hoshi-Kenshan)
This tea bowl, produced at the Jian kiln in China, is generally referred to as an “oil-spot” Tenmoku. The interior and exterior are covered with myriad oil-spot patterns; in places where the glaze has flowed, these patterns take on a “hare’s fur” (nogime) appearance. Both the oil-spot and hare’s fur motifs display a silvery sheen.
Since ancient times, this piece has been called “Hoshi-Kensan” (“Star” Jian Bowl) in the Owari Tokugawa household. Precisely which size or color of spot gave rise to the name “star” remains uncertain, yet this bowl inevitably brings to mind the description of “oil-spot” in the Kundaikan Sōchōki—a Muromachi-period treatise on rules of interior display—which reads:
“usumurasaki iro no shiraketaru hoshi uchi soto ni hita to ari” (“faint purple with pale star-like flecks densely arranged both inside and out”).
FAQ: Oil Spot Tenmoku "Star" Jian Bowl
What is a "Tenmoku" tea bowl, and what is unique about the "Oil Spot" variety? A Tenmoku tea bowl is a type of ceramic bowl, historically produced in China, known for its dark glaze. "Oil Spot" Tenmoku bowls are distinctive because of the numerous, silvery, oil-drop-like patterns that appear on their surface, formed by the pooling and flow of the glaze during firing. These patterns often appear both inside and outside the bowl, and where the glaze has run, they can take on the appearance of "hare's fur" or "nogime" markings.
What is the significance of the term "Hoshi Kenshan" or "Star Jian Bowl" in relation to this particular bowl? This particular bowl, housed in the Tokugawa Art Museum, is traditionally referred to as "Hoshi Kenshan," or "Star Jian Bowl," within the Owari Tokugawa family. The name "star" alludes to the appearance of the oil spot patterns, though the specific size or color of the spots that inspired the name remains uncertain. It suggests that the patterns were perceived as resembling stars.
Where and when was this specific "Oil Spot" Tenmoku bowl made? This bowl was produced at the Jian kiln in China during the Southern Song Dynasty, specifically in the 12th or 13th century. Jian kilns were renowned for producing Tenmoku wares.
What is the meaning of "nogime" or "hare's fur" in the context of this bowl? "Nogime," or "hare's fur," refers to the streaky, elongated patterns that appear on the surface of the bowl where the glaze has flowed. These are commonly seen in Tenmoku bowls, including those with "oil spot" effects, and they are caused by the movement of the glaze during the firing process, creating a more textured appearance. The streaks resemble the appearance of hare's fur.
What is the Kundaikan Sōchōki and how is it relevant to understanding the "Star" bowl? The Kundaikan Sōchōki is a Muromachi-period (14th-16th century) treatise outlining the rules and protocols of interior display and decoration. It contains descriptions of various items, including Tenmoku bowls. In its description of "oil spot" bowls, it mentions "faint purple with pale star-like flecks densely arranged both inside and out." This description closely resembles the visual characteristics of the "Star" bowl and adds to the possible origins of its unique name.
What are the distinguishing visual features that connect the bowl to the Kundaikan Sōchōki description? The Kundaikan Sōchōki describes "oil spot" bowls as having "faint purple with pale star-like flecks" present inside and outside. The "Star" bowl in question features a similar arrangement of silvery spots over a dark glaze that could be interpreted as “faint purple” in certain light, and these spots appear on both the interior and exterior surfaces, correlating with the treatise's specific description.
What materials and techniques contribute to the unique appearance of this type of pottery? The unique appearance of Oil Spot Tenmoku bowls is the result of a complex firing process and specialized glaze formulations. The glaze, likely rich in iron oxide, is carefully applied to the bowl. During firing at high temperatures, the glaze melts and flows. Chemical reactions and phase separations within the glaze cause the formation of these "oil spot" patterns which, under the right conditions, develop the distinct silvery sheen. The exact mechanics and composition of the glazes are not precisely known as these were ancient techniques.
Why is this specific bowl considered historically important? This "Star Jian Bowl" is historically important because it is a well-preserved example of a rare and highly prized "oil spot" Tenmoku tea bowl from the Song Dynasty. Its historical connection to the Owari Tokugawa family and its association with the descriptions in the Kundaikan Sōchōki enhances its cultural and historical significance, demonstrating the ongoing value of these objects through time. The naming also indicates unique practices of connoisseurship.