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宋代筆記 vol.84 南宋官窯琮式瓶:德川家光、廣田松繁(不孤齋)- Waterpot, Tea Ceremony and the Southern Song Guan Vase from Tokugawa Family.

SACA Podcast - Guan Cong Vase _ 官窯琮式瓶




  1. 造型在龍泉沒有出現,在南宋官窯窯址有發現;

  2. 釉色接近大阪市立東洋陶磁美術館的八方瓶,屬於偏青色的釉水;

The present study is about a Southern Song official kiln vase, once used by the Tokugawa family as a water finger. This piece, which was exhibited in a celadon exhibition at the Idemitsu Museum of Art in 2023, was labelled at the time as being of blue glaze and official glaze, pointing out that it was traditionally regarded as an official kiln of the Southern Song dynasty, but with the advancement of academic archaeology, more and more people have come to doubt that it is not an official kiln.

Tokyo National Museum subsequently marked out the Southern Song Dynasty official kiln label, completely ignoring the private museum's self-talk, showing that in the Japanese art, there is also a struggle of academic schools.

All the evidence so far suggests that this is a Southern Song imperial kiln:

The shape does not occur in Longquan, but is found at the kiln site of the Southern Song official kiln;

The glaze colour is close to that of the octagonal vase in the Osaka Municipal Museum of Oriental Ceramics and Magnetism, which is of a greenish glaze;



▲ 德川家光,日本江户幕府第三代将军,乳母是春日局(家光曾用静嘉堂曜变天目喂药给乳母喝)。



在日本的命名为「青瓷琮式花生 / 水指」,这件作品是著名古董商壶中居的创始人广田松繁(不孤斋,上图右)的重要收藏,他于上世界70年代过世后捐赠给东京国立博物馆。


1. 倘若确认为南宋官窑,这件作品将改写历史 — 日本在20世纪初期才初次认识南宋官窑,当时的广田松繁(不孤斋)在北京觅得一件青瓷鼎式香炉,并推荐给三菱集团的掌门人岩崎。

岩崎将其所藏的传世龙泉青瓷(Kinuta Celadon、砧青瓷)悉数摆出,将广田推荐的香炉放置其中,当其发现这件香炉丝毫不输时,立刻决定买下。这便是日本第一件被确认的南宋官窑,现收藏于静嘉堂文库美术馆。


Early designations by the Japanese trade as a Southern Song official kiln bottle were recently changed to a celadon vase in the exhibition presentation at the Idemitsu Museum of Art, but the glaze build-up, the openings, and the overall grandeur of the bottle point to a Southern Song official kiln. It is, therefore, a treasure that is well worth discussing:

1. If confirmed as an official kiln of the Southern Song dynasty, this piece will rewrite history - Japan first became aware of the Southern Song dynasty kilns in the early twentieth century, when Hirota Matsushige (Fukusai) found a celadon tripod incense burner in Beijing and recommended it to Iwasaki, the head of the Mitsubishi Group.

Iwasaki put out his collection of heirloom Longquan celadon (Kinuta Celadon, Anvil Celadon), placed the incense burner recommended by Hirota in it, and when he found that the incense burner was not inferior at all, he decided to buy it immediately. This was the first official kiln of the Southern Song dynasty to be identified in Japan, and it is now in the collection of the Shizukado Bunko Museum of Art.

If the present bottle can be identified as an official kiln of the Southern Song dynasty, then the first recognition of Southern Song kilns in Japan dates back to at least the Tokugawa Iemitsu period in the 17th century.

2. 倘若确认为南宋官窑,关于南宋官窑如何东渡到日本的问题值得探讨。南宋时代的官窑,是如何从宋代的皇宫到了德川家?



2. If the kiln is confirmed as an official kiln of the Southern Song dynasty, it is worth exploring the question of how the kilns of the Southern Song dynasty were transported eastward to Japan. How did an official kiln of the Southern Song dynasty get from the Song imperial palace to the Tokugawa family?

The history of this piece's inheritance, linked to the extremely prominent Owari Tokugawa family, is its most shining factor. It is clearly documented that this piece was in the collection of Hatsushiro Yoshinao, and that Tokugawa Iemitsu used it as a water finger in the thirteenth year of Kan-ei (1636).

Significantly, the image of a Narcissus cong cong vase inserted into a Song dynasty flower paper used in a Du Liangchen shakuji at the National Palace Museum, Taipei, shows that the cong vase was used as a vase by Song literati, and that the cong vase's use as a vase in the Song dynasty is directly attested to.








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