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三彩筆記 vol.15 埃斯肯納齊:唐三彩貼寶相花紋瓶 - Eskenazai, A Long Neck Sancai Vase With Flower Hosoge Medallions

唐 三彩貼寶相花紋瓶


Property From The Collection Of Frederick A. And Sharon L. Klingenstein

成交價:美元 225,000

估價:美元 80,000 – 美元 120,000


此瓶採用喇叭口設計,頸部修長,身體呈卵形,置於敞口高足座上,瓶身飾以貼花紋飾,通體施以綠、赭及乳白色相間的精美釉彩飛濺紋。高度:9 ¾ 英寸(24.8 厘米)。



1993年購自倫敦 Eskenazi Ltd



The vase raised on a flared, pedestal foot has an ovoid body decorated with floral appliqués, and a slender trumpet neck, and is covered overall with a finely splashed glaze of green, ochre and cream color.

9 ¾ in. (24.8 cm.) high


Acquired in Japan, 1990.

Eskenazi Ltd., London, 1993.

The shape of this elegant vase was inspired by metal prototypes that were introduced from Central Asia. A very similar vase, partly glazed in pale green, in the Nezu Institute of Fine Arts, is illustrated in Tang Pottery and Porcelain, Tokyo, 1988, p. 45, no. 40. A slightly larger sancai-glazed vase with more compressed body, its neck incised with three bow-string bands, in the Tokyo National Museum, is illustrated by M. Sato et. al., Ceramic Art of The World: Sui and T'ang Dynasties, vol. 11, Tokyo, 1976, p. 59, no. 43. See, also, two similar vases with horizontal ribs encircling the neck, one illustrated in The Arts of The T'ang Dynasty: A Loan Exhibition organized by the Los Angeles County Museum From Collections in America, Los Angeles, 1957, p. 82, no. 194; the other illustrated in Zhongguo taoci daxi, Han Tang taoci daquan (Chinese Ceramics Series, Han and Tang Ceramics), Taipei, 1987-89, p. 451.


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