“taihi-san tenmoku chawan” refers to a type of Tenmoku tea bowl fired at the Jizhou kiln in Jiangxi Province, China. Its name derives from the mottled pattern on its surface, which resembles tortoiseshell (in Japanese, daihai or taikō). From the Kamakura period onward, Japan’s upper classes avidly sought Chinese imports (so-called Karamono), and these pieces, once brought to Japan, were cherished for centuries. This particular tea bowl, once in the hands of the renowned tea master and feudal lord Matsudaira Fumai, has been esteemed as an especially celebrated example.
相國寺 玳玻天目茶碗
尺寸: 高度:6.3釐米 口徑:11.7釐米 底徑:3.5釐米
所載文獻:能阿相伝集 君台観左右帳記 茶器目利聞書 極秘目利書 古今名 物類聚 伏見屋覚書 大崎様御道具代御手控 松平不昧伝 雲州蔵帳 大正名器鑑





此玳玻天目茶碗在日本國內現存的玳玻盞中,極負盛名。由於它色澤鮮明、工藝講究、紋飾規整優美,自古便與其他天下名物並稱,不僅是吉州窯南宋制瓷藝術的優秀遺珍,也在日本茶道史上享有崇高地位。松平不昧曾囑咐後世“與喜左衛門井戶、細川井戶等同列”,要世代珍重,可見其非凡的藝術與歷史價值。曾經,此碗流傳至私人手中(萬野美術館 Manno Art Museum),但後來進入了相國寺的收藏,仍作為國寶而廣受矚目,代表了中日陶瓷與茶道交流史上不可或缺的珍貴一環。

常見問題:相國寺 玳玻(玳瑁)天目茶碗
1. 何謂「玳玻(Tortoiseshell)天目茶碗」?
答:所謂「玳玻天目」(日文中又稱 Daihisan 或 Taikō)茶碗,係指南宋時期(12~13世紀)在中國江西省吉州窯製作的一種天目茶碗。其典型特色為深色(黑色或深褐色)釉面上,佈滿黃褐色斑點,宛如玳瑁(tortoiseshell)的花紋,因而得名。此類茶碗在日本鎌倉時代之後,以「唐物」的身分傳入後,備受上流階層重視與珍藏。
2. 為何「相國寺 玳玻天目茶碗」如此受到推崇?
釉面複雜巧妙:外壁擁有典型且高度完成度的「玳瑁釉」斑紋,內壁則採用獨特的切紙模版(kirigami kata)技術,創造出花卉與卷草(arabesque)等紋飾。
3. 玳玻天目茶碗上「玳瑁紋」是如何形成的?
答:所謂的「玳瑁紋」或「龜甲斑」(kikkō-fu),是先於茶碗坯體上施掛黑色或深褐色的鐵系釉(kuro-ame,黑飴釉),之後再於釉面尚未乾透時,撒上半透明的稻草灰釉(藁灰釉 → わらはいゆう (wara-hai-yū))。經窯燒後,稻草灰釉局部融化並產生黃褐色斑點,與底層的深色釉相互交融,即形成類似玳瑁殼的獨特花紋。
4. 在這件玳玻天目茶碗的內部裝飾中,有何獨到之處?
答:此茶碗內部使用切紙模版(kirigami kata)的技法,先在黑釉表面貼覆紙張模版,再撒上稻草灰釉,接著揭去模版,即以黑色(底釉)保留圖案。其主題為:
5. 何謂「kuro-ame」與「藁灰釉 → わらはいゆう (wara-hai-yū)」這兩種釉?在此茶碗上如何應用?
藁灰釉 → わらはいゆう (wara-hai-yū)(稻草灰釉):一種半透明的稻草灰釉,撒在黑飴釉上,燒成後形成黃褐色斑點或紋路。
在此玳玻天目茶碗上,kuro-ame形成底色,藁灰釉 → わらはいゆう (wara-hai-yū)則負責產生玳瑁狀斑紋與內部的精緻圖案,兩者互相結合,展現出獨特且瑰麗的釉面效果。
6. 松平不昧是何許人也?為何他的關聯對此茶碗極為重要?
7. 此茶碗獲得「國寶」指定有何意義?
8. 此茶碗的器形結構有何獨特之處?與其他天目茶碗相比有何差異?
相国寺 玳玻天目茶碗(国宝.南宋/12〜13世紀)
《付属物》内箱-桐白木、書付松平不昧筆 外箱-桐白木、書付同筆 被覆-阿弥陀木綿 挽家-黒塗《伝来》上田三郎右衛門-松平不昧《寸法》高さ6.3 口径11.7 底径3.5 重さ235
所載能阿相伝集 君台観左右帳記 茶器目利聞書 極秘目利書 古今名 物類聚 伏見屋覚書 大崎様御道具代御手控 松平不昧伝 雲州蔵帳 大正名器鑑
Shōkoku-ji Daihisan (Tortoiseshell) Tenmoku Tea Bowl
(National Treasure, Southern Song Dynasty, 12th–13th century)
Glaze and Decoration
The bowl’s body is entirely coated in a glossy, blackish-brown “candy black” glaze (kuro-ame), over which a semi-opaque straw-ash glaze (藁灰釉 → わらはいゆう (wara-hai-yū)) was applied to create decorative patterns:
Interior Using a cut-paper stencil technique (kirigami kata), straw-ash glaze was carefully sprinkled on top of the black glaze. After the stencil was removed, the reserved black areas formed the design. Arranged concentrically in the interior are multiple small round floral motifs (dan-ka mon), with five surrounding the central one and an outer ring of nine, placed at regular intervals. Encircling these is a narrow band of arabesque (karakusa) pattern, likewise revealed in black by the same stencil method.
Exterior The outer surface is embellished by deftly sprinkling straw-ash glaze over the black ground, resulting in a tortoiseshell-like pattern (often referred to as kikkō-fu, or “tortoise-shell mottling”).
These elaborately applied patterns are quite rare among Daihisan Tenmoku bowls, imbuing this piece with an exceptional dignity and refined design. On the interior, the straw-ash glaze shows extremely fine speckling in purplish-brown and pale yellowish-white, sometimes taking on bluish or reddish tinges near the bowl’s well and just below the rim. This imparts a brilliant, lively quality, further enhanced by the characteristically soft, lustrous surface seen in well-preserved Tenmoku bowls. The lip is reinforced with a thin band of brass (sometimes called shinroku), both protecting the rim and adding a refined accent.
Shape and Clay Body
The bowl has a typical Daihisan Tenmoku silhouette, essentially a deep bowl with no pronounced outward flare at the rim (unlike certain Jian ware examples). The sides curve gently, and although the foot at first glance might seem in the style of a “go-ke” bottom, it is in fact a very low but precisely trimmed circular foot. The care taken in trimming indicates a high level of craftsmanship unusual for bowls of this type. The clay itself is a slightly yellowish-grayish-white typical of Daihisan Tenmoku, densely fired to a hard, fine-grained body.
Classification as a “Daimyō Meibutsu” and National Treasure
Daimyō Meibutsu
National Treasure
Included Accessories
Inner Box (kiribako): plain paulownia wood, inscribed by Matsudaira Fumai
Outer Box: plain paulownia wood, inscription in the same hand
Protective Wrapping: Amida cotton
Fitted Carrying Box (hikiya): black-lacquered
Height: 6.3 cm
Mouth Diameter: 11.7 cm
Foot Diameter: 3.5 cm
Weight: 235 g
Early ownership by the Osaka merchant Ueda Saburōemon
Purchased by Matsudaira Fumai during the An’ei era (1772–1781) from the Edo tea-utensil dealer Kawauchiya Sōkai, for 150 ryō
References inNō A Sōden-shū, Kundai Kan Sayuchō-ki, Chaki Mekiki Mongaku, Gokuhimitsu Mekiki-sho, Kokon Meibutsu Ruijū, Fushimiya Obegaki, Ōsaki-sama O-dōgu-dai O-tegakari, Matsudaira Fumai-den, Unshū Zōchō, Taishō Meiki-kan, among others.
Matsudaira Fumai prized this tea bowl among his most important pieces, on par with such famed wares as Chōjirō’s “Kitano Kuro,” the “Kizaemon Ido,” the “Yuteki Tenmoku,” and the “Kaga Ido.” He recognized it as one of the “Tenka no Daimyō Meibutsu” (“Great Famous Utensils Under Heaven”) and held it in particularly high esteem. Ever since, it has been passed down in the Matsudaira family of Unshū (Izumo). Designated an “Old National Treasure” in Shōwa 4 (1929), it was ultimately re-designated as a National Treasure under the postwar cultural property system in Shōwa 28 (1953). Among the extant Tenmoku bowls, it stands out for its exceptional quality.
Additional Notes
Nicknamed Taikō-gai (“tortoiseshell cover”) for its tortoiseshell-like glaze effect, Daihisan Tenmoku bowls often feature different motifs on the interior—flowers, phoenixes, leaf shapes, or even calligraphic characters. The appeal of a Daihisan Tenmoku lies not only in its form or clay body but in the striking glaze transformations and patterns that emerge during firing. The high aesthetic rank of this particular bowl is reflected in Matsudaira Fumai’s edict that it be treasured alongside other legendary Ido and Tenmoku bowls. With its stunning interior motifs, tortoiseshell patterning on the exterior, and vivid flashes of blue and red in the glaze, it is justly regarded as a pinnacle among tea bowls of its type.
Frequently Asked Questions about the Shōkoku-ji Daihisan (Tortoiseshell) Tenmoku Tea Bowl
What is a Daihisan or "Tortoiseshell" Tenmoku tea bowl?
A Daihisan (or Taikō) Tenmoku tea bowl is a type of Tenmoku tea bowl produced at the Jizhou kilns in Jiangxi Province, China, during the Southern Song Dynasty (12th-13th centuries). It is distinguished by its glaze, which is typically black or dark brown, with mottled yellowish-brown patterns that resemble a tortoiseshell, hence the name. These bowls were highly valued in Japan after being imported as part of "Karamono" (Chinese goods).
What makes the Shōkoku-ji Daihisan Tenmoku tea bowl so special?
This specific tea bowl is considered exceptional for several reasons. Firstly, its craftsmanship is remarkable, with precise trimming of the low foot and a very smooth, fine-grained clay body. Secondly, its glaze is particularly intricate, displaying a well-executed tortoiseshell pattern on the exterior, and complex stenciled floral and arabesque designs on the interior. Finally, it boasts an impressive provenance, having been owned by the renowned tea master Matsudaira Fumai, and is now a designated National Treasure of Japan.
How is the distinctive tortoiseshell pattern created on Daihisan Tenmoku bowls?
The tortoiseshell pattern is achieved by first applying a black or dark brown iron-based glaze, and then, while still wet, sprinkling a semi-opaque straw-ash glaze over the surface. The way the ash glaze is sprinkled and then fired causes these characteristic yellow-brown mottling, and is often referred to as "kikkō-fu" or “tortoise-shell mottling”.
What is the significance of the interior design in this particular Daihisan Tenmoku?
The interior of this tea bowl features a unique and sophisticated stenciled design created using the "kirigami kata" or cut-paper stencil technique. A straw-ash glaze is applied over a stencil. The stencil is then removed to reveal designs in the dark under-glaze, consisting of a central small floral medallion, surrounded by concentric circles of similar medallions and a band of arabesque patterns. This detailed interior design is highly unusual for a Daihisan Tenmoku bowl and adds to its value. The interior glaze also displays varying color tones, including a purplish-brown and pale yellowish white speckling, with some areas showing tinges of blue and red, further showcasing the complexity of the firing.
What is "kuro-ame" and "藁灰釉 → わらはいゆう (wara-hai-yū)" glazes, and how are they used on the Shōkoku-ji Daihisan bowl?
"Kuro-ame" translates to "candy black" glaze, a dark, glossy iron-based glaze that is first applied to the entire surface of the tea bowl. "藁灰釉 → わらはいゆう (wara-hai-yū)" translates to "straw-ash glaze", and is a semi-opaque glaze that's applied over the kuro-ame glaze to create the tortoiseshell pattern and interior decorations. The combination and careful application of these glazes are crucial to the Daihisan Tenmoku’s distinctive appearance.
Who was Matsudaira Fumai, and why is his connection to the tea bowl important?
Matsudaira Fumai (1751-1818) was a renowned Japanese feudal lord and tea master. He acquired this Daihisan Tenmoku tea bowl from a merchant in Edo and considered it among his most prized possessions, including other famous wares like the “Kizaemon Ido” and "Yuteki Tenmoku". Fumai’s meticulous records and his declaration that this bowl should be treasured alongside these other “Great Famous Utensils Under Heaven” solidified the tea bowl's status and cultural importance.
What is the significance of this tea bowl being designated a National Treasure?
The designation as a National Treasure in Japan signifies that this tea bowl is considered an invaluable part of the nation's cultural heritage. This formal recognition emphasizes the bowl's artistic merit, historical significance, and the importance of its preservation. It also highlights the tea bowl as not just a historical artifact, but a representation of the intersection of Chinese ceramic technology and Japanese aesthetics and tea culture.
What is unique about the shape and structure of this bowl and how is it different from other Tenmoku bowls?
The Shōkoku-ji Daihisan Tenmoku bowl has a deep, gently curved bowl shape typical of Daihisan Tenmoku, but without the outward flare at the rim common to Jian ware bowls. Its foot is low and circular, meticulously trimmed to a very precise form. This attention to detail in both the basic shape and refinement is unusual, and contributes to the exceptional quality of this piece.