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拍賣筆記 Vol.59 清乾隆317.9萬青花洋彩八吉祥紋賁巴瓶 - A Polychrome Enamelled And Underglaze-Blue 'Eight Buddhist Emblems' Tibetan-Style Ritual Vase, Benbaping

SACA Podcast - 清乾隆八吉祥紋賁巴瓶 Benbaping


Deftly potted with a slightly compressed globular body rising from a spreading foot and surmounted by a fluted, tall, domed neck and parasol-shaped top, the body brightly enamelled with the Eight Buddhist Emblems, bajixiang, alternating with stylised lotus blooms, the colourful decoration to the neck imitating a Tibetan banner, the top with florets enclosed within meandering flower scrolls, the interior and base enamelled in turquoise. 29.5cm (11 5/8in) high.

清乾隆 青花洋彩八吉祥紋賁巴瓶青花「大清乾隆年製」篆書款



Qianlong seal mark and of the period

Bonhams London

7 November 2024, 10:00 GMT

Sold for £317,900 inc. premium


類似此器的祭祀瓶在乾隆時期製作,用於宮廷內的佛教寺廟。其設計與儲存聖水的淨水壺造型相似,都擁有圓鼓形的瓶身,但淨水壺的特徵在於從龍口中伸出的壺嘴,詳見R. Kerr,《中國陶瓷:清代瓷器1644-1911》,倫敦,1986年,頁115,圖101。





This rare altar vase, known as a benbaping in Chinese, was designed to hold sacred plants for rituals associated with Tibetan Buddhism. Its form is likely inspired by a jewel-encrusted silver vessel known as a Bumpa, the Tibetan word for 'vase'. These vessels were traditionally used in Tibetan Buddhist temples to display sprays of herbs in front of Buddhist images. An illustration of a silver Bumpa can be found in Cultural Relics of Tibetan Buddhism Collected in the Qing Palace, Beijing, 1996, pl.146.

Vessels like the present lot were crafted for use in Buddhist temples within the Palace grounds during the Qianlong period. The design shares similarities with ewers used for holding sacred water in ritual purification ceremonies, both featuring a globular body and drum-like upper section. However, ewers are distinguished by a spout emerging from a dragon's mouth, as shown by R.Kerr, Chinese Ceramics: Porcelain of the Qing Dynasty 1644-1911, London, 1986, p.115, no.101.

The form of this vase is particularly reminiscent of the gold Bumpa urn, which held ivory plaques used to confirm the identities of reincarnated Grand Lamas. This connection is illustrated in Treasures from Snow Mountains: Gems of Tibetan Cultural Relics, Shanghai, 2001, p.50, no.4. See also a gold benbaping, Qing dynasty, in the collection of the Jokhang Monastery, Lhasa, illustrated by Zhang Zhongya, 'Qingdai zhizang zhengce deyixiang zhongyao zhidu: jin benbaping guanjian' (清代治藏政策的一項重要制度 金賁巴瓶管見), 2023 (4), China's Ethnic Groups, p.58.

The vibrant banding on the neck of this vase is painted to resemble the multi-coloured silk banners often hung in cylindrical form in Buddhist temples. These banners, contributing to the spiritual ambiance, can be observed in the Hall of Long Life within the Potala Palace, as illustrated in The Potala, Beijing, 1995, p.52, no.11. The meticulous decoration on this vase not only enhances its aesthetic appeal but also underscores its ritual significance in the Buddhist tradition.

Numerous similar polychrome enamelled examples, Qianlong marks and of the period, but with different coloured grounds are at the Qing Court Collection in the Palace Museum, Beijing, (acc.nos.gu00186110, gu00186100, gu00186101, gu00186108, gu00186119, gu00186118).

Compare with a related pair of famille rose Tibetan-style altar vases, Qianlong six-character marks and of the period, which was sold at Christie's Hong Kong, 3 December 2021, lot 2909.

FAQ: Polychrome Enamelled Tibetan-Style Ritual Vase

What is the significance of the "Eight Buddhist Emblems" depicted on this vase?

The Eight Buddhist Emblems, or bajixiang in Chinese, are a set of auspicious symbols in Buddhism representing offerings made to the Buddha by the gods after his enlightenment. They symbolize various aspects of Buddhist teachings and are believed to bring good fortune. Their presence on this vase highlights its connection to Buddhist rituals.

What is a benbaping and what was its purpose?

A benbaping is a type of Tibetan-style ritual vase used in Buddhist ceremonies. This specific vase was designed to hold sacred plants, likely sprays of herbs, offered in front of Buddhist images. This practice is inspired by similar rituals involving jewel-encrusted Bumpa vases in Tibetan Buddhist temples.

How does the design of this vase relate to other ritual objects used in Tibetan Buddhism?

The vase's shape is inspired by the Bumpa, a traditional Tibetan vase often adorned with jewels. It also shares similarities with ewers used in purification rituals, both featuring a globular body and a drum-like upper section. However, the benbaping lacks a dragon-headed spout found on ewers.

What is the connection between this benbaping and the identification of reincarnated Grand Lamas?

The form of this vase is reminiscent of gold Bumpa urns used to hold ivory plaques consulted during the selection process for reincarnated Grand Lamas. This connection suggests a possible link between the vase and this important aspect of Tibetan Buddhist tradition.

What is the significance of the vibrant banding on the neck of the vase?

The banding imitates the colorful silk banners commonly found in Tibetan Buddhist temples. These banners, hung in cylindrical forms, contribute to the spiritual atmosphere of the temple. This design element further emphasizes the vase's ritualistic function.

Where were these types of vases used during the Qianlong period?

Vessels like this benbaping were crafted for use in Buddhist temples within the Palace grounds during the Qianlong Emperor's reign (1735-1796). This demonstrates the emperor's support of Tibetan Buddhism and its integration into court rituals.

Are there other similar vases from the Qianlong period?

Yes, numerous comparable polychrome enamelled benbaping vases bearing the Qianlong mark exist within the Qing Court Collection housed in the Palace Museum, Beijing. These examples often feature different background colors, showcasing the variety within this style.

Where can I find information about similar Tibetan-style altar vases sold at auction?

Auction records for related Tibetan-style altar vases from the Qianlong period can be found through reputable auction houses like Christie's. A notable example is a pair of famille rose Tibetan-style altar vases auctioned at Christie's Hong Kong on December 3, 2021.


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