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拍賣筆記 vol.23 鈞窯鼓釘洗27.72萬歐元(217萬人民幣)巴黎佳士得成交 - Jun Washer No.3 Sold in Christie’s Paris.



This is an undeniably famous category, and any serious collector of Song ceramics should own one if they are not in dire financial straits; it is a type of jun kiln that can't be avoided. Whether you like it or not before you own it, you should own it, and then you can say you don't like it.

There have been disputes over the age of these wares, mostly about whether they are Song or Ming, but no matter what, these wares are a royal delight and a favorite of Qianlong. In terms of form, they are simple, elegant and mysterious, and are an evergreen item. The auction price of RMB 2,170,000 is quite cheap, and by all rights, this kind of artifacts should add a "0" and be in the tens of millions of dollars level.

元/明 鈞窯藍紫釉鼓釘三足水仙盆 「三」字款

Hauteur : 8 cm. (3 1/8 in.) ; Diamètre : 21 cm. (8 ¼ in.)


德國不來梅藏家Friedrich Otto Hasse (1886-1964)舊藏,1920至1950年代購自歐洲藝術品市場,后家族傳承



The fascination with Jun ware lies in its remarkable glaze, with its lustrous and opalescent qualities, as evident in the present lot. This opalescence is due to the effect of light on certain features within the glaze: the mass of tiny gas bubbles trapped in the glaze, the formation of minute crystals which reflect light through the glaze, and an emulsion formed by two liquids within the glaze. Early examples of junyao have an even pale bluish glaze. Later, the potters began to add splashes of copper oxide to the unfired glaze, which resulted in colourful pieces comprised of bright purple areas contrasting with the soft blue tone of the glaze. On 'narcissus' bulb bowls, the most desirable arrangement was to have the interior glazed blue and the exterior purple.

Research has suggested that the numbers incised on the bases of junyao vessels, clearly relate to the size of the vessel and may also indicate which rooms they were kept in at the Imperial Palace. As a rule, the larger the numeral on these 'numbered' Jun wares, the smaller the size of the vessel. These bulb bowls were often called 'drum-nail' bowls, as the bosses symmetrically spaced in relief around the rim recalled the pegs used to tighten the skin stretched on top of a drum to change pitch.

The Qing court has preserved several similar Jun bulb bowls incised with the numeral yi (one), four examples in the Palace Museums, Beijing, are illustrated in The Complete Collection of Treasures of the Palace Museum -Porcelain of the Song Dynasty (I), Hong Kong, 1996, one in purple, no. 24 (24.3 cm.), and no. 25 (23.5 cm.), the latter incised with two additional inscriptions recording its use in Jingxixuan in Yingtai, one in moon-white, no. 27 (26.5 cm.) with inscriptions recording its use in Hanyuandian in Yingtai, and one in blue, no. 28 (25.2 cm.) with inscriptions recording its use in the Changchun shuwu in the Hall of Mental Cultivation. Four in the National Palace Museum, Taipei, are illustrated in Panorama of Ceramics in the Collection of the National Palace Museum: Chün Ware, Taipei, 1999, no. 27 (25.4 cm.) in moonwhite with inscriptions recording its use in Xiangchendian in Yingtai, no. 28 in lavender-blue (25.5 cm.), no. 29 in grape-purple (27 cm.), and no. 30 in moon-white (25.6 cm.) with inscriptions recording its use in the Changchun shuwu in the Hall of Mental Cultivation. Further similar examples incised with the numeral yi include a purple one in the Shanghai Museum (24.3 cm.), illustrated in Shanghai bowuguan cangci xuanji, Shanghai, 1979, no. 46; three gifted by Ernest B. and Helen Pratt Dane to the Harvard Art Museums/Arthur M. Sackler Museum, see object numbers: 1942.185.42 (24.1 cm.), 1942.185.43 (24.3 cm.), and 1942.185.44 (24.4 cm.); two from Eumorfopoulos Collection, now in the Victoria and Albert Museum, London, one in moon-white (27.6 cm.) accession number: C. 172-1938, the other with mottled purplish-blue on the exterior and blue on the interior (24 cm.) accession number: C105- 1935. The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, houses two junyao bowls of the same shape as the present lot with a similar incised san inscription, acc. nos. 29.100.204 and 26.292.4.

This June, Art d’Asie presents 240 lots of important porcelain and works of art, including cloisonné enamels, jade, and Buddhist sculptures.

Highlights include a selection of extremely rare porcelain from the Ming Dynasty, from a private European collection, comprising a yellow-ground blue and white ‘pomegranate flower’ dish from the Zhengde reign (1506-1521) and an important Junyao tripod narcissus bowl, Yuan-Ming Dynasty, 14th-15th century. Amongst the highlights, the June sale will also offer a rare and important silver-mounted agate cup stand from a Swedish private collection. All objects in the sale come from private European and French collections. From an important private European collection, we will offer a beautiful selection of early pieces, including an important Han Dynasty gilt-bronze bear. The sale will also comprise a selection of imperial Ming and Qing cloisonné from a London private collection. Also imperial from the Qianlong reign (1736-1795), a rare yuzhi sou miao xian shou shuojade book with a zitan cover comes from a private European collection. The star of our Buddhist section will be an important 13th century Malla period gilt-bronze figure of a seated Buddha previously in a Belgian private collection. The paintings section will present a painting depicting fish by Qi Baishi (1864-1957) and a beautiful seascape by Lin Fengmian (1900-1991).




6月13日 上午10:30 (歐洲中部夏令時間) 拍品 1-106

6月13日 下午02:30 (歐洲中部夏令時間) 拍品 107-246


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