David Hockney, once the most expensive artist in the world, whose 1966 masterpiece "The Splash" will be auctioned in London next month, with an estimated value of £ 20-30 million (HK $ 200-300 million) ; NT $ 770 million-1.16 billion).
According to a recent report by Bloomberg News, the seller of this painting is Hong Kong wealthy businessman Liu Yingxiong. In 2006, "Water Flower" appeared in the auction house for the last time and sold for £ 2.9 million (HK $ 29 million-NT $ 110 million), setting a personal auction record for Hockney at the time. In other words, this operation has appreciated nearly 7 times in 14 years, which is a good investment.
一度是在世最贵艺术家的霍克尼(David Hockney),其1966年巨作《水花》(The Splash)下月将于伦敦上拍,估价达£2,000万- 3,000万(HK$2亿- 3亿;NT$7.7亿- 11.6亿)。
据近日《彭博社》报道,此画卖家乃香港富商刘銮雄。 2006年,《水花》上一次现身拍卖场,以£290万(HK$2,900万 - NT$1.1亿)成交,创下了当时霍克尼的个人拍卖纪录。换句话说,此作在14年间升值近7倍之多,这次逆市现身伦敦苏富比,也是一个试金石。
就在2月6日,佳士得的超现实主义夜场表现不俗,玛格丽特的代表作斩获1800万英镑,而这次的霍克尼,是否是一个定心丸呢? 让我们拭目以待。