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宋代筆記 vol.47 金繕宋代鈞窯紫斑盌136.8萬人民幣成交,鈞窯大藏家塞繆爾·彼得斯收藏 - Heirloom Kintsugi Jun bowl from Samuel T.Peters Collection.

來自塞繆爾·彼得斯(Samuel T. Peters,1854-1921年)的著名收藏。彼得斯曾是多家煤炭公司的董事,1914 年至 1921 年間擔任大都會藝術博物館的理事,是著名的大收藏家,積累了大量令人印象深刻的中國藝術品收藏。紐約時報》在其訃告中指出,彼得斯於 1912 年和 1916 年向大都會藝術博物館贈送了約 400 件玉器,"這可能是任何地方都無法超越的收藏"。


北宋 鈞窯紫斑盌


拍品終止拍賣: 2020年7月24日


USD 187,500


USD 15,000 - USD 25,000

51⁄2 in. (14 cm.) diam.


Samuel T. Peters (1854-1912) 珍藏,藏品編號171。

Louisine Peters Weekes Tcherepnine (1886-1952)。

Adaline Hathaway Weekes Scully (1915-1984)珍藏,後家族傳承。

彼得斯還是著名的中國陶器、宋代器皿和瓷器崇拜者。他的妻子艾德琳-埃爾德(Adeline Elder,1859-1943 年)於 1926 年向大都會藝術博物館捐贈了數百件藏品。大都會藝術博物館 1927 年 2 月的《公告》第 22 卷第 44-47 頁以 "中國早期陶器的重要借展 "為題記錄了這次借展,並指出大都會藝術博物館多年來一直試圖建立一個具有代表性的宋代陶器收藏館,但沒有成功。作者接著說(第 46 頁),有了彼得斯的借展,新的和有抱負的收藏家可以 "研究不同的釉色、奇妙的宋代造型和眾多的品種,這是其他任何公共收藏都無法比擬的。彼得斯夫人慷慨地借出了她已故丈夫塞繆爾-彼得斯(Samuel T. Peters)的藏品,她曾是我們博物館的理事,也是美國最早認識到中國早期陶瓷的美麗和趣味的收藏家之一。

The following group of Jun wares (lots 1-5), as well as the upcoming peachbloom-glaze vase (lot 23), came by descent to Peter Tcherepnine from the renowned collection of Samuel T. Peters (1854-1921). A director of several coal companies and a trustee of The Metropolitan Museum of Art from 1914 to 1921, Peters was known as a great collector and amassed an impressive and large collection of Chinese works of art. In his obituary the New York Times noted that Peters’ gift of some 400 jades to The Metropolitan Museum of Art in 1912 and 1916 “form a collection probably unsurpassed anywhere.”

Peters was also known as a great admirer of Chinese pottery, Song-dynasty wares, and porcelains. His wife, née Adeline Elder (1859-1943), donated hundreds of pieces from his collection to The Metropolitan Museum of Art in 1926. This gift seems to have been preceded by a loan that was recorded in The Metropolitan Museum of Art ’s February 1927 Bulletin, Vol, 22, pp. 44-47, under the title “An Important Loan of Early Chinese Pottery,” where it was noted that The Met had tried for years to form a representative collection of Song-pottery wares, without success. The author goes on to state (p. 46) that with the addition of the Peters’ loan, the new and aspiring collector can “study the different glazes, the marvelous Sung shapes, and the many varieties as in no other public collection. This happy change has come about through the generous loan by Mrs. Peters from the collection made by her late husband Samuel T. Peters, once a trustee of our Museum and one of the first collectors in this country to recognize the beauty and interest of early Chinese ceramics."


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