The Aburaya Katatsuki is a renowned Chinese-style (karamono) shouldered tea container originally owned by the Sakai townsman Aburaya Jōgen and his son. It passed through Toyotomi Hideyoshi, the Fukushima family, and the Tokugawa Shogunate before reaching Matsudaira Fumai. Although relatively compact, it boasts striking shoulders and elegant curves, with richly variegated glazes. For centuries, it has been held in the highest esteem among katatsuki chaire.

本文详细記載了油屋肩衝(Aburaya Katatsuki),一件極為珍貴的唐風茶入的歷史。其所有權經歷了包括豐臣秀吉及德川幕府成員在內的顯赫人物,最終成為松平不昧的珍貴傳家寶。文本探討了其藝術價值、精確尺寸及精美的收藏方式,突顯其在日本茶道歷史中的重要地位。多種關於其獲得及所有權轉移的記載,強調了其作為一件高度珍視且備受追捧的文物的地位。最後,文本強調了其持久的稀有性與卓越的保存狀況。
The texts detail the history of the Aburaya Katatsuki, a highly prized Chinese-style tea container. Its ownership passed through prominent figures, including Toyotomi Hideyoshi and members of the Tokugawa Shogunate, before ultimately becoming a treasured heirloom of Matsudaira Fumai. The texts explore its artistic merits, precise dimensions, and elaborate storage, highlighting its significance in Japanese tea ceremony history. Multiple accounts of its acquisition and transfer of ownership are presented, underscoring its status as a highly valued and coveted artifact. Finally, the texts emphasize its enduring rarity and remarkable preservation.


【付属物】蓋―四 仕覆六、富田金襴・紺地花兎古金襴・本能寺緞子・宗薫緞子・太子間道・下妻緞子(図版上段右より) 家―黒たたき内真塗張木地 家仕覆 印伝革 唐物若狭盆 添軸抛筌斎(千利休)より梅村坊あて
【伝来】 油屋常言―油屋常祐 豊臣秀吉 福島正則―福島正利柳営御物土井大炊頭利勝 河村瑞軒 冬木家上田宗悟―松平不昧
【寸法】 高さ:8.4 口径:4.0 胴径:80 底径:4.4 重さ:117




問:什麼是「油屋肩衝茶入」?為何它如此重要?答:油屋肩衝是一件極為珍貴的唐物(中國風)肩衝形茶入(chaire),被視為同類器物中最具代表性的作品之一。其重要性在於它所展現的精湛工藝:形制鮮明、曲線優美,且釉色豐富多變。此外,油屋肩衝自古以來擁有顯赫而完整的流傳記錄,歷經多位日本歷史上的重要人物收藏或轉手。它被歸入「大名物」(ō meibutsu),即在歷史與文化層面皆極具價值與重要性的茶道用具。
問:在油屋肩衝的流傳史中,哪些歷史人物最具代表性?答:此茶入最初由堺的町人油屋常言(Tsunamoto, 又作Jogen)及其子常祐(Tsunayoshi, 又作Joyu)擁有。隨後,先後經歷豐臣秀吉、福島正則、德川幕府、土井利勝、河村瑞賢與冬木喜平次等人之手,最終歸於松平不昧(Matsudaira Fumai)收藏。從16世紀末到18世紀,這些所有者均是日本政治及文化舞台上頗具影響力的人物。
油屋肩衝 松平出羽守。高二寸七分半,胴二寸六分半、口一寸三分、肩二寸二分、盆附一寸四分半、懸目三十一匁四厘。挽家黒たたき内眞塗張木地、袋あらき七子織のやうなる切、緒つがり茶。御物袋鳥たすき純子。蓋三枚、内二枚スあり、印磨作利休好。箱桐白木、袋皮緒つがり茶。外筥春慶、四方鐵金具錠前附。袋二、紺地花兎、富田地、此切鶏頭織とめ地。箱桐白木、包ものさらさ袷ふくさ、利休文懸物、上下茶万字くづし一房紋純子、中萌黄鶴菱の紋銀紗輪補繪、一文字風帯中の切、箱杉木地、古筆了音極あり。若狹盆、袋純子、筥黒塗、金銘。外箱春慶塗。

“Aburaya Katatsuki”
This tea container takes its name from having been owned by the Sakai townsman Aburaya Tsunamoto (commonly read as Jōgen) and his son Tsunayoshi (Jōyū). In the document Kitano Nasu Yuiyosho and in the Myōkokuji Monjo, it is written: “Aburaya Tsunamoto presented to the Taikō (Toyotomi Hideyoshi) a tea container known as Aburaya Katatsuki.” Additionally, in Kanji-an Sōshin’s Rikyū Hyakkeige we find: “Aburaya Tsunayoshi of Izumi Province, Sakai, was a disciple of Sen no Rikyū; possessing a katatsuki tea container, which the world calls ‘Aburaya Katatsuki.’”
Miscellaneous Notes
Aburaya Katatsuki (Owned by Matsudaira Dewanokami)
Height: 2 sun 7 bu 5 rin (approximately 8.2 cm)
Body: 2 sun 6 bu 5 rin (approx. 8.0 cm)
Mouth: 1 sun 3 bu (approx. 3.9 cm)
Shoulder: 2 sun 2 bu (approx. 6.6 cm)
Base ridge (bon-tsuke): 1 sun 4 bu 5 rin (approx. 4.39 cm)
Weight (kakemoku): 31 monme 4 rin
The lathe work is in black “tataki” style on the outside, with genuine lacquer on the inside, over a wood core. The pouch (fukuro) is made of a textile resembling rough “shichiko-ori” (seven-child weave); the cord (o) is in “tsugari-cha” (brownish tea color). The official “onmono-bukuro” is a toritaski-junkyō (a type of precious textile with a bird and cord motif). There are three lids, two of which have the letter “su” (possibly an artisan’s mark). Seals indicate they were polished or burnished works favored by Rikyū. The container’s box is plain paulownia wood, the bag (fukuro) has a leather cord in tea color. The outer box is done in shunkei lacquer with iron fittings and a lock. There are two additional pouches: one of navy ground with rabbit-and-flower pattern from Tomita weaving, and the other of keitō-ori (cockscomb weave) with a tome ground. A plain paulownia box is used, wrapped in sarasa (chintz) with double-lining fukusa. Rikyū’s letter (or fragment) is attached as a kake-mono, with an arrangement of motifs in “manji kuzushi” (disrupted swastika) in a single tassel pattern. The middle bag is moegi (pale green) with a crane and diamond design in silver-threaded gauze, with a supplemental painted crest. Another band with a single line motif is inserted. There is also a cedar box in plain wood, authenticated by ancient calligrapher Ryōin. Additionally, a Wakasa tray and a pure silk bag, plus a black lacquer casket with gold inscription, and an outer box in shunkei lacquer are recorded.These two items, the Aburaya katatsuki together with an appended tea container (chaire), are cited in Kokin Meibutsu Ruishū (Anthology of Famous Objects, Past and Present).
Provenance (Denrai)
Originally owned by the Sakai townsman Aburaya Tsunamoto. Tsunamoto’s real surname was Date. He was the father of Nichikō Shōnin, the founding priest of Myōkokuji in Sakai, and he passed away on the first day of the tenth month of Eitoku 8 (1580), at the age of 77.His son Tsunayoshi, an older brother to Nichikō, was a disciple of Sen no Rikyū. Since Tsunayoshi possessed this shoulder tea container (katatsuki), it became widely known by the name “Aburaya Katatsuki.”
With regard to the date Aburaya presented this tea container to the Taikō (Hideyoshi), various sources give different accounts, as follows:
In the Kitano Nasu Chaire Yuiyosho and the Myōkokuji Monjo, it is said that “During the Bunroku era (1592–1596), Aburaya Tsunamoto offered it to Toyotomi Hideyoshi.”
In the Unshū Hōmotsu Denrai Sho (Records of Treasures in Unshū), it states: “Aburaya Jōyū possessed it, and in the Keichō era (1596–1615) presented it to Lord Hideyoshi.”
In the San Rikyū Hyakkaige, it says: “Owned by Aburaya Tsunayoshi, and in Tsunoharu’s time it was presented to Hideyoshi.”
Subsequently, the Taikō bestowed it upon Fukushima Saemon no Tayū Masanori; and after Masanori’s death, his son Masatoshi dedicated it to the Shogunate. On the first day of the eleventh month of Kan’ei 3 (1626), Shōgun Tokugawa Hidetada granted it to Doi Ōi no Kami Tadatatsu (commonly read as Doi Likatsu or Doi Takanori, but generally known as Doi Torikatsu or Toshikatsu, historically). After the Doi family passed it down for some time, they eventually used this katatsuki together with a “tsurutsuki” tea container as collateral for a loan of 20,000 ryō from Kawamura Heidayū Zuiken. Then, in the Kan’ei era, it somehow came into the hands of Fuyuki, known as Ueda Sōgo of Fukagawa in Edo. Ultimately, in Tenmei 3 (1783), it ended up in the possession of Matsudaira Fumai (Matsudaira Harusato, Daimyō of the Matsue Domain).
At the time, it was said to be valued at 10,000 ryō, yet in fact was obtained for only 1,500 ryō—likely because of the severe famine afflicting the land, which greatly weakened Fuyuki’s fortunes. Fumai, at 33 years of age, was delighted to acquire such a peerless masterpiece; he held it along with the “Engo” Zen master’s calligraphy (a renowned Zen priest’s inscription) as the domain’s foremost treasure. He prepared a special box, added a new bag (fukuro), and took it with him even when traveling to Edo for Sankin-kōtai. It never left his side for even a moment. In his later years, when he retired to Ōsaki, he placed it deep inside his treasury and instructed his heir, Gettan, to safeguard it always.
According to domain elders of the Matsue (Unshū) house, someone once asked Fumai: “What would you do if the Shōgun demanded the Aburaya Katatsuki for himself?” He replied: “If the Tokugawa main family wants it, I cannot refuse—but in return I would need to be granted an entire province.” On another occasion, a senior member of the bakufu requested a viewing of the Aburaya Katatsuki. Fumai invited him to the domain’s residence in Edo, personally opened the ornate casket, removed layer after layer of wrapping—leather bag, boxes, cloth coverings—and finally placed the Katatsuki upon a Wakasa tray, reverently presenting it before the official. Once the official had finished viewing, Fumai asked, “Is that sufficient?” Without further words, he immediately placed it all back into its wrappings.
Thereafter, in the Matsudaira of Unshū household, even senior retainers were only allowed to see it once in a lifetime. For the rest, it was never shown; it was truly the most secret of hidden treasures. In April of Taishō 6 (1917), on the occasion of a three-day exhibition commemorating the 100th memorial year of Fumai in Matsue City, it was put on public display on the final day within the old Matsue Castle’s Kōunkaku. Hearing of this, many enthusiasts traveled from afar for the chance to view it in person.
Personal Observation (Jikken)
Once Matsudaira Fumai had surveyed many of the world’s famous tea containers, he became increasingly certain that this piece was preeminent. In his final testament, he decreed that it be preserved together with a prized Engo Zen master’s calligraphy. This alone suggests how truly valuable he judged it to be.
Other Records
This is a celebrated “ō Meibutsu” tea container, taking the name “Aburaya Katatsuki” from the Sakai townsman Aburaya Tsunamoto (Jōgen) and his son Tsunayoshi (Jōyū). It is one of the most iconic katatsuki (shouldered) chaire from China (so-called “karamono katatsuki”) and has long been accorded the highest rank among such famed objects.
Although slightly smaller in scale compared to other katatsuki chaire, it has a relatively tall waist (koshi) and a strongly inverted rim near the top. The shoulders extend horizontally and sharply turn downward, while the curve descending through the body to the lower section is gentle and elegant. This gives it a refined and dignified silhouette.
After being offered by Aburaya to Toyotomi Hideyoshi, it passed into the hands of Fukushima Masanori and his son Masatoshi, then to the Tokugawa Shogunate, and subsequently to Doi Tadatatsu, Kawamura Zuiken, Fuyuki Kiheiji, and finally to Matsudaira Fumai. In Fumai’s Unshū Zōchō (Unshū’s Treasury Ledger), it is listed under “Treasured Objects” and is recognized as the foremost among the chaire in that collection.
Historically, among shouldered chaire of Chinese origin, it is somewhat narrow at the mouth, with a single raised ring around the “koshi” (the waist). Another particular point is that the waist ring is set slightly lower than on other examples, which, together with its narrow mouth, serves as a distinguishing feature. Overall, its glaze is of a persimmon-gold (kakikin) hue, accented by patches of black-brown (kuro-ame) glaze that create interesting patterns. From below the shoulder to the lower area, a swirling pattern of coloration spreads, culminating in a flowing drip (nagare) that extends down to the foot rim (bon-tsuke). On the right side of its main face is a small fire spot (hi-aze).
The glaze is splendid, showing an interplay of gold tones, blues, browns, and other hues, producing scenic variations from every angle. Its foot (suso) is unglazed, revealing a dark gray clay body. The base is made by the “itaokoshi” (raised-board) method. The overall condition is perfect—no damage or sign of wear—and the piece remains in pristine state.
During the famous Kitano Tea Gathering of 1587 (Tenshō 15), it is said that Hideyoshi demanded it from Aburaya Tsunamoto, presenting him with 300 kan in coins and awarding him the “Kitano Nasu” tea container in exchange. Later, Hideyoshi gifted it to Fukushima Masanori, and it eventually passed into the hands of Fukushima Masatoshi, who dedicated it to the Tokugawa Shogunate. In Kan’ei 3 (1626), Tokugawa Hidetada granted it to Doi Tadatatsu. Because of financial difficulties, the Doi family sold it to Kawamura Zuiken, who soon transferred it to Fuyuki Kiheiji. In the Tenmei era (1781–1789), the fortunes of the Fuyuki house declined, allowing Matsudaira Fumai to acquire it. Although it was reputed to be worth 10,000 ryō, it is said Fumai paid only 1,500 ryō, given that widespread famine had led to a depressed market.
Having inspected numerous famous tea containers, Fumai prized it above all. He added three additional fine pouches—Taishi Kanton, Honnoji donsu, and Shimotsuma donsu—on top of the original three. He also appended a letter from Sen no Rikyū as a kake-mono, included a Wakasa tray, and treasured it together with the top-ranking Zen calligraphy by Engo. He placed them all in one “oki-bitsu” (traveling casket). During his journeys for sankin-kōtai, a retainer would carry that casket before him. Upon arriving at the main lodging, Fumai refused even to take his seat until the casket was placed properly in the tokonoma. In the domain, ordinary samurai were never permitted to see it; even high-ranking elders might only view it once in a lifetime. Such was the secrecy surrounding it.
It is said that once, the daimyō of Satsuma joked with Fumai, “What would you do if the Shōgun demanded to have this piece?” Fumai responded, “It is impossible to refuse the Shōgun’s command, but I would request at least the province of Oki in exchange.” (*Source references: Kokin Meibutsu Ruishū, Rinpōkiryū, Shoke Meiki-shū, Ko-meibutsuki, Rikyū Hyakkaige, Unshū Hōmotsu Denrai Sho, Matsudaira Fumai Den, Taishō Meiki Kan.)
FAQ: The Aburaya Katatsuki Chaire
What is the Aburaya Katatsuki Chaire and why is it significant?
The Aburaya Katatsuki is a highly prized Chinese-style (karamono) shouldered tea container (chaire). It is considered one of the most iconic examples of its kind. Its significance stems from its exquisite craftsmanship, including a striking form with elegant curves and a rich, variegated glaze. Additionally, it has a prestigious and well-documented history, having been owned by prominent figures throughout Japanese history. It is a "ō meibutsu," a tea utensil that is an item of great historical importance and cultural value.
Who were the key historical figures associated with the Aburaya Katatsuki's ownership?
The chaire was originally owned by the Sakai merchant Aburaya Tsunamoto (Jogen) and his son Tsunayoshi (Joyu). It then passed through a succession of influential individuals and families including Toyotomi Hideyoshi, Fukushima Masanori, the Tokugawa Shogunate, Doi Tadatatsu, Kawamura Zuiken, and Fuyuki Kiheiji, before being acquired by Matsudaira Fumai. These owners represent key players in the political and cultural landscape of Japan from the late 16th to the 18th centuries.
What is the origin of the name "Aburaya Katatsuki"?
The tea container is named after the Aburaya family of Sakai, who were its original owners. Specifically, it was first owned by Aburaya Tsunamoto and his son Tsunayoshi. Because it was so closely associated with them, it became known as the "Aburaya Katatsuki".
What are the key physical characteristics of the Aburaya Katatsuki Chaire?
This chaire is relatively small, but has a tall waist and sharply angled shoulders. The body has a graceful curve, and the glaze is a complex mix of persimmon-gold and black-brown, with blues, browns and other colors, creating varied patterns that offer interesting views from all angles. It also features a lower waist ring, as well as a small fire spot (hi-aze) on its right side. The foot is unglazed, made of dark gray clay, created using the itaokoshi (raised-board) method.
What is known about the circumstances under which the Aburaya Katatsuki passed between different owners?
The Aburaya Katatsuki was initially presented to Toyotomi Hideyoshi, who in turn gifted it to Fukushima Masanori. It was eventually given to the Tokugawa Shogunate. Later, the Doi family, due to financial constraints, used the Katatsuki as collateral and then sold it. After passing through several owners it was acquired by Matsudaira Fumai during a period of famine that depressed prices, allowing him to obtain it at a fraction of its estimated value.
How did Matsudaira Fumai regard and treat the Aburaya Katatsuki?
Matsudaira Fumai prized the Aburaya Katatsuki as his most valued possession. He considered it a work of supreme artistic merit, placing it alongside a revered calligraphy by Zen master Engo as a foremost family treasure. He added to its collection of pouches and boxes, kept it with him at all times and had it carried before him when travelling. He treated it with the utmost respect, even during viewings by high-ranking officials. He considered it so significant that his family had strict rules around who could view it, with only the most senior retainers being allowed to see it once in their lifetime.
What is the significance of the Aburaya Katatsuki within the broader context of the Japanese tea ceremony (chanoyu)?
The Aburaya Katatsuki is not only prized for its inherent beauty and craftsmanship, but also for the historical connections it has to the world of Chanoyu. It has been admired by the tea masters and high-ranking officials throughout the centuries. Its status as a “ō meibutsu” and its association with key figures in tea history such as Sen no Rikyū make it a revered and sought-after object. The careful manner in which Matsudaira Fumai handled and stored it further solidified its importance as a cultural treasure in the context of Chanoyu.
How has the Aburaya Katatsuki been presented and preserved over time?
The Aburaya Katatsuki has been meticulously preserved and presented with multiple layers of packaging to protect and honor it, including various pouches (fukuro), boxes, and wrappings. There are three lids, a leather bag, several pouches of different textiles, a plain paulownia box, and an outer box done in shunkei lacquer. It has been kept in a specially designed carrying box (oki-bitsu) that was treated with reverence and carried as the most precious possession. The many layers of protective packaging added over time, along with the strict regulations placed on it, demonstrate how revered it has been through its long and important history.
In Conculsion
The Aburaya Katatsuki, distinguished by its elegant shape, multifaceted glaze, and storied provenance, is universally recognized as one of the most significant ō meibutsu tea containers. Spanning the eras from Momoyama to Edo, it embodies both cultural refinement and political symbolism, ultimately treasured as a house heirloom by Matsudaira Fumai. Although its ownership changed hands multiple times due to fame and financial hardships, it remained perfectly preserved, thus safeguarding its enduring rarity and artistic value.