青銅筆記 vol.12 戰國青銅錯金銀嵌琉璃乳釘紋方壺,斯托克萊(Adolphe Stoclet)舊藏830.7萬美金(6064萬人民幣) - A Warring States Silver And Glass-Embellished Bronze Vessel (Fang Hu), ex-Stoclet Sold for 8.37m USD, 60.64m RMB.
The Society for the Ancient Chinese Art is a non-profit platform for Chinese art based in Hong Kong since 2018, we share articles on trends and market analysis from independent research.
Instagram:saca_china / 公眾號:SACA學會、寶榜、茶司 / Founder:allen wang / Email:aw&artsaca.com
SACA學會:「1935年伦敦艺展 —— 历史上伟大的中国国际艺术展览 - Important Chinese Exhibitions.」
寶榜 :「蓮心千古:松心閣南北朝特別展覽(二) - North & Southern Dynasties by Lam's Gallery.」
漢代筆記 vol.9 鎏金大熊:西漢的皇族審美,克里夫蘭博物館所藏、Stoclet舊藏 - Party Animal, the Western Han Dynasty Giant Gilt Bronze Bear Weight, ex-Stoclet, Cleveland Museum of Art Collection.
青銅筆記 vol.9 商代大斝:克里夫蘭博物館所藏,坂本五郎經手 - Ex-Sakamoto Goro, Shang Dynasty Jia, Cleveland Museum of Art Collection.
北朝筆記 vol.19 鹿頭梵志:敦煌北朝佛窟中的神秘外道人,克里夫蘭博物館所藏鎏金鹿頭梵志探究 - Ascetic Holding a Skull, Nothern Wei Dynasty Mrgasirsa in the Cleveland Museum of Art Collection.
北朝筆記 vol.16 響堂山北齊迦葉石像:佛陀的聖物盒,克里夫蘭博物館所藏 - Xiangtangshan Grottoes, A Standing Disciple Mahakasyapa Holding Cylindrical Reliquary.
北朝筆記 vol.15 皇家遺韻:罕見北齊白石坐佛,唐代蓮花座,克里夫蘭博物館所藏 - Seated Amitayus Buddha, The Relics of the Imperial Northern Qi Family, Cleveland Museum of Art Collection.
唐代筆記 Vol.12 白磁水鳥把手杯:超前的品位,32760美金售出、龍泉堂680萬日元展銷,OCS Malcolm、埃斯肯納齊(Eskenazi) - A Rare Cream-Glazed Goose-Form Cup, Mayuyama Ryusendo.
漢代筆記 vol.8 王的龍首:漢代貴族的車有多華麗?西漢銅鎏金龍首車飾(輈首飾) - Emperor’s Dragon, A Magnificent And Very Rare Large Gilt-Bronze ‘Dragon Head’ Chariot Terminal.
青銅筆記 vol.8 東周錯金銀銅立虎:大英博物館所藏 - A Inlaid Gold and Silver Tiger of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty, British Museum Collection.
唐代筆記 Vol.9 撿漏魯山窯注器:肯禮夫勳爵(Lord Cunliffe)、福克(Falk)的魯山花瓷 - A Small Phosphatic-Splashed Brown-Glazed Stoneware Ewer from the Falk and Lord Cunliffe Collection, Christie’s 2001 and Sotheby’s 2021.
唐代筆記 Vol.8 藍釉三彩弦紋匲:大唐帝國的絢爛與克里夫蘭博物館珍寶 - Blue Glaze Tripod Lion, the Glory of Tang Dyansty and the Chinese Art from the Cleveland Museum of Art Collection.
宋代筆記 vol.77 傳世大天目茶碗:哈佛大學藝術博物館、福克(Falk)、藍理捷、佳士得紐約2001年 - Heirloom Tenmoku, Large Tea Bowl from the Harvard University Art Museum, J.J.Lally, Christie’s NY 2001, Myron & Pauline Falk Collection.
宋代筆記 vol.76 傳世大天目:克里夫蘭博物館的建盞 - Heirloom Tenomku, A Large Jian Tea Bowl from the Cleveland Museum of Art.
茶人筆記 vol.4 伊達政宗 x 秋葉灰被天目茶碗 : 師從利休、織部、遠州,仙台藩62萬石大名的茶之湯 - Date Masamune, Tea as a way of War and Peace.
宋代筆記 vol.75 三井家的中興名物南宋吉州窯鸞天目(玳玻盞天目、尾長鳥天目)、重要文化財:大正名器鑑收錄之傳世宋瓷 - rantenmoku (らんてんもくちゃわん) , Mitsui Bunko Collection.
唐代筆記 Vol.7 青釉鷹首壺:文化交融之美,埃斯肯納奇、克里夫蘭博物館 - Bird-Headed Ewer, the Beauty of Cultural Reverence, Cleveland Museum of Art & Eskenazi.
北朝筆記 vol.11 青銅辟邪、龍首櫵斗、鎏金獸面:克里夫蘭博物館的三件南北朝動物雕塑 - Bixie, Dragon and Monster, Northern and Southern Dynasties animal highlights from Cleveland Museum of Art.
宋代筆記 vol.74 德川家康的宋代傳世灰被天目茶碗 - Song Notes, Tokugawa Ieyesu’s Haikatsugi Tenmoku Tea Bowl.
展覽筆記 vol.23 松岡美術館三彩特展:十匹白金駿馬的時代 - Matsuoka Museum of Art, the Sancai Special Exhibition of Ten Majestic Horses.