松岡清次郎曾說: 「不管多麼了不起的人,總還是要被人遺忘的。相比之下,古代的最高級的美術品則將永留後世。 把自己收集的藏品留給子孫後代鑒賞。這就是我的夢想。」
創立者 松岡清次郎
1894年1月8 日出生於東京築地·小田原町的糧商家庭,是家裡的第三個兒子。1912年從東京中央商業學校畢業後,進入位千銀座的貿易商·矢沼商店工作。1917年獨立,設立貿易商·松岡商店。後擴大至冷藏倉庫業、賓館經營、房地產業、補習學校經營等事業。1989年3月20日去世,享年96歲(95週歲)。
Seijiro Matsuoka once said, ‘No matter how great a person is, he or she will always be forgotten. In contrast, the highest quality works of art from ancient times will remain forever. It is my dream to leave my collection of works of art to be appreciated by future generations. This is my dream.'
Matsuoka has not been forgotten, and at least after his death, exhibitions of high calibre continue to be held at the Matsuoka Museum of Art. In a small museum in the exclusive residential area of Shirokanedai, an exhibition of three-colour paintings was held, the high level of the exhibition was breathtaking, and the high standard of the collection demonstrated the depth and pattern of the collection.
Top three-colour horses lined up in Chinese collectors have not yet awakened, the highest level of display of the empire of the Tang dynasty has quietly bloomed overseas.
No one knew that the Matsuoka Museum of Art had 10 three-colour horses, which is an impressive number for a private collector. In the recent exhibition, Matsuoka also played a horse racing game, asking visitors to ‘place a bid’ for their own horse, which is a fun and meaningful experience to learn from.